Self deleting text

An Operator or Administrator may add Confidential Remarks to an Item as inner remarks. Private Notes are placed within the communications but are not accessible to your end customers. Representatives that want to add context while appointing an Issue to some other Representative in the Panel will find this functionality to be especially useful. An agent may write personal comments on a particular transaction. The comments are concealed from the client who is calling. Only personnel with accessibility tickets are permitted to examine them. Using private notes, also known as internal tickets, is a terrific method to communicate with one another privately. To communicate with a certain group of people, you can write private note. You can communicate essential data to your staff via confidential notes without disclosing it to the workers serving your clients or the clients themselves. An agent may write personal notes on a particular booking. The remarks are hidden from the client who is calling. Only workers with access to a particular card are permitted to examine them. You can make notes of the most crucial details about the situation in personal notes. Additionally, providing such remarks makes it simpler for another person to accept the particular case that needs to be resolved. You may also add details there that a dealer won’t be able to locate anywhere.

Private Notes are added inside the messages but are not viewable to your end customers.

Agents who wish to add context when appointing a Problem to some other Representative in the Panel will find this functionality to be especially useful. Additionally, Agents can identify additional members of the team in Private Notes using the “Mentions” feature, which notifies them in real-time. You can jot down the most crucial details about the incident in private notes. Additionally, including such remarks simplifies the process for some other person to handle the specific scenario that needs to be resolved. You may also add details there that the realtor won’t be able to locate otherwise.