Tips to make your terrarium a success

In terms of decorative plants, it is especially the terrariums that have recently been talked about on social networks, influential blogs or decorating magazines. Click here for air plant terrarium singapore.

What is a terrarium?

Open or closed container welcoming vegetation reminds a new boutique in Brussels specializing in indoor greenery. The principle is that we create an ecosystem where the plant transpires and therefore rejects water that returns to its base and hydrates. It creates its own oxygen thanks to co² that it will produce at night and will reuse the day. These miniature gardens can be dry or wet, open or closed, small or large … Advantages: they live a long time, play perfectly their role of a decorative element while being easy to maintain. In short, ideal for the urban gardener. Visit this site for air plant terrarium singapore.

air plant terrarium singapore

Do you want to go there?

Follow these six tips or take part in the workshops he regularly organizes on the subject.

-Take care to choose the right container, because it is he who will define the type and the life of your plant. The bigger it is, the more likely it is to prosper for a long time.

-Install a draining base in the bottom of the terrarium to prevent the roots from staying in contact with the water, or beware of rot.

-Use a suitable substrate. More acidic for acidophilic plants such as fern, more draining for dry plants like agave.

-Keep the substrate moist, but with a very small amount of water. Dose according to the choice of plants.

-Watch for condensation on the glass. If they exceed half of the container, it means that your terrarium is too wet. Remove the cap for a few days! If they are completely absent for several days, rewet slightly.

-Finally, never expose your terrarium in full sun, under penalty of the greenhouse effect.

At the end we just want to say

If you follow these steps, then you will make your terrarium a success.